
The history of any professional educational institution is often associated with the history of the country, society, since it is the actual state and social order for the training of qualified personnel in a particular field that determines the decision to open a particular university or university. This trend was also typical for the Kostanay Mechanical and Technological College, focused on training specialists in the grain processing industry, namely, technologists, millers, mechanics, and electricians. The need to train this category of personnel was obvious. Thanks to the development of virgin lands, the Kustanay region has become one of the largest grain regions of the USSR.

The development of virgin lands in the northern regions of Kazakhstan began in the spring of 1954. At this time, the USSR had not yet managed to completely restore the country’s economy, which was destroyed during the Great Patriotic War. There were many socio-economic problems. One of them, which seriously undermined the foundations of the Soviet country, was the problem of providing food. Therefore, the leadership of the USSR made a decision to begin the development of virgin and fallow lands.

 February 23 – March 2, 1954, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU was held. He considered the issue “On the further increase in grain production in the country and the development of virgin and fallow lands.” The plenum defined specific tasks for Kazakhstan, Siberia, the Urals, the Volga region, the North Caucasus: to expand the sowing of grain crops in 1954-1955 through the development of virgin and fallow lands by at least 13 million hectares and to get 1100 – 1200 from these lands in 1955 million poods of grain, including 800-900 million poods of marketable grain. The task at that time was enormous: within two or three years to meet the growing needs of the country’s population for food products and to provide the entire mass of the collective farm peasantry with a higher level of material well-being. So the virgin epic began.

In 1954, 13.4 hectares of new land were plowed, including 6.5 million hectares in Kazakhstan, that is, almost 50% of virgin lands. By the beginning of 1955, the area of ​​cultivated land had grown by 8.5 million hectares, and 90 new state farms were created. To provide the newly created virgin collective and state farms with labor, a massive mobilization of volunteers from the western and central regions of the country was carried out. The new settlers were provided with great assistance to move and establish life in a new place.

The history of any professional educational institution is often associated with the history of the country, society, since it is the actual state and social order for the training of qualified personnel in a particular field that determines the decision to open a particular university or university. This trend was also typical for the Kostanay Mechanical and Technological College, focused on training specialists in the grain processing industry, namely, technologists, millers, mechanics, and electricians. The need to train this category of personnel was obvious. Thanks to the development of virgin lands, the Kustanay region has become one of the largest grain regions of the USSR.

The development of virgin lands in the northern regions of Kazakhstan began in the spring of 1954. At this time, the USSR had not yet managed to completely restore the country’s economy, which was destroyed during the Great Patriotic War. There were many socio-economic problems. One of them, which seriously undermined the foundations of the Soviet country, was the problem of providing food. Therefore, the leadership of the USSR made a decision to begin the development of virgin and fallow lands.

 February 23 – March 2, 1954, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU was held. He considered the issue “On the further increase in grain production in the country and the development of virgin and fallow lands.” The plenum defined specific tasks for Kazakhstan, Siberia, the Urals, the Volga region, the North Caucasus: to expand the sowing of grain crops in 1954-1955 through the development of virgin and fallow lands by at least 13 million hectares and to get 1100 – 1200 from these lands in 1955 million poods of grain, including 800-900 million poods of marketable grain. The task at that time was enormous: within two or three years to meet the growing needs of the country’s population for food products and to provide the entire mass of the collective farm peasantry with a higher level of material well-being. So the virgin epic began.

In 1954, 13.4 hectares of new land were plowed, including 6.5 million hectares in Kazakhstan, that is, almost 50% of virgin lands. By the beginning of 1955, the area of ​​cultivated land had grown by 8.5 million hectares, and 90 new state farms were created. To provide the newly created virgin collective and state farms with labor, a massive mobilization of volunteers from the western and central regions of the country was carried out. The new settlers were provided with great assistance to move and establish life in a new place.

In 1954 alone, 425 virgin state farms were created in the northern regions of Kazakhstan and Siberia. The equipment for them was supplied by many industrial enterprises of the USSR.

Orders for virgin lands were placed under state control and were carried out in the first place. During 1954-1956 41.8 million hectares of virgin lands and deposits were plowed up. By 1960, the cultivated area in virgin lands had almost doubled, and grain production had almost tripled.

Gross grain production in Kazakhstan during the development of virgin lands (in 1954-1960) amounted to almost 106 million tons, the average annual grain production in these years was more than 3.8 times higher than in 1949-1953. Over the years, Kazakhstan handed over to the state more than 63.4 million tons of bread. The country received additional millions of tons of bread. In a short time, the Kazakh SSR turned into one of the largest granaries of the Soviet Union.

The virgin epic as a bright page entered the history of the Kostanay region, and the further the years go into history, the more visible the greatness of this nationwide feat. In the spring of 1954, Kostanay became a bridgehead from where a broad offensive into the virgin lands was carried out. The first echelons with volunteers from Moscow, Leningrad, Belarus, Ukraine, Siberia went here..

Orders for virgin lands were placed under state control and were carried out in the first place. During 1954-1956 41.8 million hectares of virgin lands and deposits were plowed up. By 1960, the cultivated area in virgin lands had almost doubled, and grain production had almost tripled.

Gross grain production in Kazakhstan during the development of virgin lands (in 1954-1960) amounted to almost 106 million tons, the average annual grain production in these years was more than 3.8 times higher than in 1949-1953. Over the years, Kazakhstan handed over to the state more than 63.4 million tons of bread. The country received additional millions of tons of bread. In a short time, the Kazakh SSR turned into one of the largest granaries of the Soviet Union.

The virgin epic as a bright page entered the history of the Kostanay region, and the further the years go into history, the more visible the greatness of this nationwide feat. In the spring of 1954, Kostanay became a bridgehead from where a broad offensive into the virgin lands was carried out. The first echelons with volunteers from Moscow, Leningrad, Belarus, Ukraine, Siberia went here..

As a result, the virgin lands of Kazakhstan in 1956 poured one billion poods of grain into the bins of the Motherland in 1956, which is 10 times more than

in an average year before the development of virgin lands.

But the bumper harvest of 1956 showed that virgin lands were not ready for it. They grew grain, but it was not clear how to harvest it and where to put it. Bread was harvested by trailed combines, there was a catastrophic shortage of cars even for transporting grain from the combine to the current.

A lot of grain accumulated on the currents in state farms.

A considerable amount of this grain has gone missing. There was a shortage of elevators, and the existing ones were weak. Drying of grain was carried out in an insignificant amount, a lot of bread also rotted in the open areas of the elevator.

All this put forward two tasks: to build powerful elevators, and on farms – granaries and covered currents. The first problem was quickly solved. Already in 1957, the construction of large elevators began. 30 elevators were put into operation, 49 largest grain-receiving enterprises were built.

Drying facilities, compound feed production, laboratories, testing stations were created.

Since the development of virgin and fallow lands, grain-receiving enterprises of the region have grown from low-power into large, technically equipped ones. For 25 years, at grain-receiving points, the storage capacity has increased 11 times, the elevator – more than 25 times, the drying capacity – 40 times.

For comparison, at present, our elevators and grain-receiving enterprises are capable of receiving 180 thousand tons per day and drying 105 thousand tons of grain per day.

But in addition to the lack of enterprises for receiving and processing grain, there was an acute problem of the lack of specialists in the grain processing industry. We needed qualified technologists, millers, mechanics, and electricians. Therefore, the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR, in accordance with Decree No. 197 of April 15, 1971, made a decision: “Considering the great need for specialists for enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Procurement, to organize a mechanical and technological college in the city of Kustanay.”

Drying facilities, compound feed production, laboratories, testing stations were created.

Since the development of virgin and fallow lands, grain-receiving enterprises of the region have grown from low-power into large, technically equipped ones. For 25 years, at grain-receiving points, the storage capacity has increased 11 times, the elevator – more than 25 times, the drying capacity – 40 times.

For comparison, at present, our elevators and grain-receiving enterprises are capable of receiving 180 thousand tons per day and drying 105 thousand tons of grain per day.

But in addition to the lack of enterprises for receiving and processing grain, there was an acute problem of the lack of specialists in the grain processing industry. We needed qualified technologists, millers, mechanics, and electricians. Therefore, the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR, in accordance with Decree No. 197 of April 15, 1971, made a decision: “Considering the great need for specialists for enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Procurement, to organize a mechanical and technological college in the city of Kustanay.”

By 1972, the technical school was already ready for the implementation of the assigned tasks. The educational building housed 27 classrooms and classrooms, 22 laboratories, a typical gymnasium, a cinema auditorium for 400 seats, a canteen, a buffet, a library with a collection of 4460 copies of educational, technical, socio-political and fiction literature, and a reading room for 100 seats. The material and technical base was constantly replenished; over time, a methodological office, a Lenin room, a hall of technological machines were opened.

There were training workshops with turning, locksmith, electrical installation and welding workshops for conducting educational practices.

In the same year, a five-story comfortable dormitory was opened, in which 450 students lived. 74% of the pupils received a state scholarship.

In 1971, 390 students were admitted in 4 specialties on the basis of 8 classes: “Electrical equipment of elevators and grain processing enterprises”, “Equipment of elevators and grain processing enterprises”, “Flour and cereal production” and “Storage of grain and products of its processing”. Basically, graduates of rural

schools entered to study, for whom these specialties were understandable and

 in demand.

The first graduation took place in 1975. 420 graduates received diplomas of technologists, electricians, mechanics and millers.

From 1971 to 1993, 7627 people graduated from the full-time and part-time departments of the technical school.

Taking into account the needs of the region’s economy, new specialties “Accounting” (1982) and “Technology of bakery and pasta production” (1987) were opened in the technical school.

Great importance was attached to educational work. A room of Glory was opened in the technical school, where unique materials dedicated to the heroes – Kustanai, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, were collected, as well as letters, photographs of graduates of the technical school who served in the ranks of the Soviet Army. Within the framework of military-patriotic education, class hours, conversations, meetings with war and labor veterans were held here. Every year, during the holidays, trips were organized for students – excursions to places of military and labor glory. Based on the results of the trips, thematic albums were drawn up, which were then exhibited in the hall of Glory.

The center of ideological and educational work in the technical school was the Lenin room. Lenin’s lessons were traditional on the eve of Lenin’s birthday. Also, in the Lenin room, in a solemn atmosphere, students were handed Komsomol tickets, passports, and graduates of the technical school were assigned to work.

For the implementation of sports and health-improving work in the technical school, a high-quality material and technical base was created: a gym, the necessary sports equipment, game equipment, highly qualified teachers of physical education worked. 11 sports sections were organized for the pupils.

In the 1984-1985 academic year alone, 4 candidates for the master of sports were prepared, 14 athletes – first-grade athletes, 23 athletes of the second grade, 62 – of the third grade, 60 students received youth sports categories. In addition, 110 sports instructors and 96 public judges were trained. It was a solid contribution to the education of the youthful sports potential of the region and the republic.

In the 90s, the development of the system of technical and vocational education in Kostanay region was due to the economic and political changes that were taking place in the country. It is this factor that explains the series of renaming of the educational institution.

In 1993, on the basis of the Decision of the Head of the Regional Administration dated July 1, 1993 No. 162, the Kustanai Mechanical and Technological College was renamed into the Kustanai Polytechnic College. In order to fulfill the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 01.09.1994 No. 982 “On reforming the structure of training specialists in the continuous education system”, a unified educational and methodological complex was created on the basis of the Kostanay Agricultural Institute, which included the college. The implementation of this project was beneficial to college graduates, as it allowed them, after completing their studies at the secondary school, to continue their studies at the university from the 3rd year in the following specialties: electrical engineer, economist-accountant, mechanical engineer, agronomist.

In 1997, on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 8, 1997 No. 814, the college was renamed into the Kostanay Technological College. In 1999, a new change – on the basis of the order of the Department of Education dated March 19, 1999 No. 95, the educational institution was renamed into the Kostanay regional agro-industrial college-lyceum. In 2000 – the college, on the basis of the order of the Department of Education dated November 20, 2000, No. 327, was renamed into the Kostanay Regional Agroeconomic College. In 2008, a new reorganization – on the basis of the order of the Department of Education No. 274 dated 01.09.2008, the college was renamed into GKKP “Kostanay Polytechnic College” of the Department of Education of the Akimat of Kostanay region. In 2012, on the basis of the decree of the Akim of Kostanay region No. 211 dated May 8, the educational institution became known as the KGKP “Kostanay Polytechnic College” of the Education Department of the Akimat of the Kostanay region.

In order to develop the collegial management system, in November 2011, the Board of Trustees of the college was created, which included representatives of the largest enterprises in the region, which were direct customers for training specialists. Vasily Samoilovich Rozinov, General Director of the Ivolga agricultural holding, was elected the first chairman of the Board of Trustees. This collegial management body was called upon to provide all-round support to the educational institution in solving urgent problems of training highly qualified specialists capable of solving production problems at the level of modern technologies. With the assistance of the Board of Trustees, extra-budgetary funds began to be attracted to modernize the material and technical base of the college. Oleg Vladimirovich Danilenko, General Director of Dievskaya Agrofirma LLP, Timur Meirkhanovich Sadykov, President of the Kostanay Confectionery Factory of Bayan Sulu JSC were elected as the Chairpersons of the Board of Trustees in different years. Today the chairman of the collegial management body is Serik Akanovich Zhumagulov, regional director of BalticControlKazakhstan LLP.

Thanks to social partners, the college began to effectively implement a dual training system and an experimental program of the Higher Technical School. Every year, college graduates, along with a diploma, received a personal invitation to work from potential employers. As a result, the college began to show a very high percentage of graduate employment – more than 80%.

Undoubtedly, one of the key factors in ensuring the quality of training of future specialists is a high level of professional competence of teachers. Teachers must be proficient in a research culture, modern teaching technologies, and must be ready for innovative activities. In order to provide high-quality scientific and methodological support for the process of improving the pedagogical skills of college teachers, an innovation monitoring center was created in 2011.

The constant creative search of the teaching staff and the desire to introduce innovative projects into the life of the college led to the fact that in 2012 the Republican Educational and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved the implementation of the experimental curriculum of the Higher Technical School in the specialty “Elevator, flour-grinding, cereal and feed production” with awarding the qualification “junior process engineer”.

The collective of the college has done a great job to implement since 2012 the practice of training in the state language of instruction in the specialties: “Computing technology and software”, “Elevator, flour-grinding, cereal and feed production”, “Office work and archival science”.

To coordinate the system of work with students in 2012, the Committee for Youth Affairs was created, which became a structural unit of the college for the implementation of state youth policy. The Committee on Youth Affairs was called upon to solve the problems of forming value orientations of students, developing their skills of constructive interaction, democratic management culture. Thanks to the activities of the KDM, college students began to take an active part in various youth projects and initiatives, startups and competitions, competitions and festivals. Namely, the subjective activity of young people is the key to their personal development and self-realization.

One of the college students’ initiatives was the creation of student television in 2013.

On September 1, 2013, the college began to participate in the implementation of the pilot project “Implementation of the e-learning system”. The introduction of e-Learning into the educational process has contributed to a large-scale renewal of ICT resources. A monoblock with access to broadband Internet was installed in each study room, multimedia equipment was purchased for a computer room, and an electronic reading room was opened with access to Internet resources.

The face of the college in the virtual space is a new website developed in 2013 in accordance with modern requirements. The logical result of this work was the victory of the college website in the regional competition “Site of the Year” among organizations of technical and vocational education.

On September 1, 2013, according to the experimental program of the Higher Technical School for the specialty “Elevator, flour-grinding, cereal and feed production”, the first enrollment of students was carried out, a total of 37 people.

It is necessary to clarify that a higher college is a post-secondary level of education, a multi-level system of personnel training in integrated educational programs with the qualification of “junior engineer”. The program was implemented in the context of close interaction between the college and social partners, as it was designed to train modern highly qualified specialists.

The next achievement of the college was that on November 20, 2013, he became the owner of a grant in the amount of 380 thousand US dollars for the development of the specialty “Elevator, flour-grinding, cereal and feed production” for the qualification “technician-technologist” within the framework of the project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the World Bank “Modernizing Technical and Vocational Education” “Institutional Development Plans”. The grant was intended for updating the material and technical base and content of the educational process, advanced training and training for engineering and teaching staff.

Within the framework of the grant, new modern equipment was purchased for the laboratory “Storage and commodity science of grain”, the office “Information technology”. On the basis of the college, a printing house began to function, modern educational literature on special disciplines was purchased.

In the context of updating the content of the educational process and improving the quality of education in the college, modular programs for the dual education system began to be developed and implemented. College teachers have a unique opportunity to improve their qualifications on the basis of the leading international centers and educational institutions in Moscow, Minsk, France, Germany, Turkey, Northern Cyprus. Within the framework of the internship and refresher courses, the expansion of international relations was carried out. Memorandums of cooperation were signed with colleges in Russia and the University of Northern Cyprus.

In May 2013, a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Santos Dumont Vocational Lyceum was signed, the main focus of which is the joint development and improvement of educational programs, curricula, exchange of experience, internships for teachers and masters of industrial training, exchange of students through the system of academic mobility. In December of the same year, the college was visited by a delegation from France led by the director of the lyceum, Mr. Jean-François Angenard.

Already in March 2014, the first training of teachers took place on the basis of the Santos Dumont Lyceum. The participants of the internship were teachers of special disciplines and masters of industrial training of the college. Thanks to a visit to this educational institution, our colleagues got acquainted with the practice of teaching and training students abroad.

International cooperation with French colleagues led to the fact that on June 3, 2014, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to Kazakhstan, Mr. Francis Etienne, and his adviser on education and culture, Yoann Yures, paid a business visit to the college. During the meeting, there was a constructive conversation about expanding the existing cooperation with the Santos Dumont Lyceum, as well as the planned cooperation on opening a laboratory in conjunction with the Schneider Electric power company. Foreign guests highly appreciated the activities of the college and expressed their desire to intensify relations between French educational institutions and the Kostanay Polytechnic College.

According to the results of the national business rating for 2015, the college was awarded a gold medal and the title of “Industry Leader – 2015”.

In order to ensure that all services in the field of education will be aimed at meeting the requirements of consumers, a quality management system was introduced in the college in 2016 in accordance with the standard ST RK ISO 9001-2016 “Quality management system. Requirements “.

On September 23, 2016, on the basis of the college, the Republican educational and methodological association was organized in the specialty “Energy”.

On July 24, 2017, by the Resolution of the Akim of the region, the college received the status of a Higher College.

According to the results of educational activities, the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College was twice recognized as “The best organization of technical and vocational education of the Kostanay region” – in 2017 and 2018. For the first time, the educational institution was awarded a grant in the amount of 3 million tenge, for the second time – in the amount of 34 million tenge.

Already in March 2014, the first training of teachers took place on the basis of the Santos Dumont Lyceum. The participants of the internship were teachers of special disciplines and masters of industrial training of the college. Thanks to a visit to this educational institution, our colleagues got acquainted with the practice of teaching and training students abroad.

International cooperation with French colleagues led to the fact that on June 3, 2014, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to Kazakhstan, Mr. Francis Etienne, and his adviser on education and culture, Yoann Yures, paid a business visit to the college. During the meeting, there was a constructive conversation about expanding the existing cooperation with the Santos Dumont Lyceum, as well as the planned cooperation on opening a laboratory in conjunction with the Schneider Electric power company. Foreign guests highly appreciated the activities of the college and expressed their desire to intensify relations between French educational institutions and the Kostanay Polytechnic College.

According to the results of the national business rating for 2015, the college was awarded a gold medal and the title of “Industry Leader – 2015”.

In order to ensure that all services in the field of education will be aimed at meeting the requirements of consumers, a quality management system was introduced in the college in 2016 in accordance with the standard ST RK ISO 9001-2016 “Quality management system. Requirements “.

On September 23, 2016, on the basis of the college, the Republican educational and methodological association was organized in the specialty “Energy”.

On July 24, 2017, by the Resolution of the Akim of the region, the college received the status of a Higher College.

According to the results of educational activities, the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College was twice recognized as “The best organization of technical and vocational education of the Kostanay region” – in 2017 and 2018. For the first time, the educational institution was awarded a grant in the amount of 3 million tenge, for the second time – in the amount of 34 million tenge.

In 2020, the college, within the framework of the Zhas Maman project, the college won a grant in the amount of 279 million 673 thousand tenge, aimed at modernizing the educational institution and introducing advanced international practice for training qualified mid-level specialists. Thanks to this program, the educational and material base was updated.

It should be noted that the Department of Education of the Akimat of Kostanay region provides great support for the implementation of the educational policy of the college. At the present stage, a system of effective interaction between the Education Directorate and the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College in solving issues of resource support for innovative processes, introducing new approaches and training programs for future specialists, creating a high-quality educational environment, organizing an effective educational process has been built. The head of the education department, Baimenova Zaure Anuarbekovna, is an open, sincere, proactive person, interested in the development of the system of technical and vocational education in the region, as a manager, she is attentive to the problems and aspirations of educational institutions.

Realizing the importance of the tasks facing the TVE system, knowing the potential of our educational institution, Zaure Anuarbekovna provides all-round support to innovative projects and strategic plans of the college, takes an active part in their implementation.

We can say that this model of interaction between the governing body and the educational institution is one of the factors for the successful development of the college today.

Today the world has become open; accordingly, the education system has become open. Thanks to academic mobility, a person can continue to study throughout his life in different countries. But for this it is necessary to bring the standards of secondary vocational education (SVE) of a particular country into compliance with international standards of VET. One of the projects in solving this urgent problem is the ECVET project.

The ECVET project is a tool for building mutual trust and enhancing mobility in the secondary vocational education system.

The global goal of the project: creation of a platform based on secondary vocational education organizations for the pilot launch of the European Credit System for VET (ECVET), contributing to the promotion and ensuring the comparability, compatibility and complementarity of qualifications of the VET system both horizontally (within the VET system) and vertically between the average professional and higher education at the national and transnational levels.

In order to familiarize and study in detail the methodology of the ECVET project, the director of the college Katkenov Kusain Amangeldinovich took part in an international seminar for heads of open source organizations in the city of Helsinki (Finland) in 2019.

In the same year, on the basis of the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College, three-week international advanced training courses on the topic “Development of software and mobile applications for the Android system” were held. These courses were held within the framework of the international project “KAZ-KOIT” in the field of information technology by the international expert of the non-profit society Senior Expeten Servise (SES) Jurgen Purtz.

It should be made clear to the general public that the Senior Expeten Servise (SES) is the German Economy Foundation for International Cooperation and a non-profit limited liability company.

Senior experts provide support to enterprises, organizations, administrative institutions in solving technical, financial and organizational problems, offering:

  • professional training and professional development of employees;
  • exchange of experience for the management staff;
  • assistance in reorganizing the management structure;
  • help with quality improvement;
  • new ideas for the preparation of marketing concepts and business plans; help in other areas.

SES credo: Our experience is your future!

        The course participants were taught the basics of software development technology and mobile applications for the Android system. Of course, this is a very relevant project, the importance of which can hardly be overestimated in training college staff in new technologies in the era of digital education.

It must be recognized that the development of international cooperation in the field of technical and vocational education has contributed to the attraction of the best world practices of personnel training in the activities of the college.

In 2014, the range of educational services provided was expanded – training in the Kazakh language of specialists in the specialty “Power supply” began.

An indicator of the quality of technical and vocational education provided by the college was the fact that in the 2014-15 academic year the educational institution successfully passed state certification in 10 specialties and 14 qualifications.

Institutional accreditation and specialized accreditation for educational programs implemented at the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College began in 2017. Most readers will be interested in the question: “What is the procedure for institutional and specialized college accreditation?”

Accreditation is a process by which an accreditation body assesses the quality of an educational organization as a whole or individual educational programs of an educational organization in order to recognize their compliance with certain standards and criteria. There are institutional (specialized), as well as national (international) accreditation. Institutional accreditation is the accreditation of an educational organization as a whole. Specialized accreditation is the accreditation of individual educational professional programs of an educational organization.

Institutional and specialized accreditation for educational programs was carried out at the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College: in 2017 in the specialties “Bakery, pasta and confectionery production”, “Elevator, flour-grinding, cereal and feed production”, “Standardization, metrology and certification (by industry) “; in 2018 – “Accounting and audit (by industry)”, “Computers and software (by type)”, “Technical operation, maintenance and repair of electrical and electromechanical equipment (by type)”, “Power supply (by industry)” , in 2020 – “Technology of mechanical engineering (by type)”. In the same year, the procedure of specialized accreditation of the educational program “Technology of mechanical engineering (by type)” was carried out in accordance with the standards of (program) accreditation of organizations of technical and vocational education. External expert groups of the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA) during the external audit conducted the procedure for the accreditation body to recognize the compliance of educational services with the established academic / professional accreditation standards and maintain the internal quality assurance system.

The current stage of development of a higher college is the translation of experience at the national level and the introduction of programs aimed at the development of new technologies, scientific innovations based on a modular-competence approach, developed in conjunction with foreign experts. In October 2017, on the basis of the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College, an international scientific and practical conference was held on the topic “Model of educational and methodological associations of TVE organizations as a center for ensuring the development and quality of the content of technical and vocational education.” The purpose of this forum was to discuss the problem of improving the activities of educational and methodological associations in updating the content of educational programs in the context of globalization.

International partners took part in the conference: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to Kazakhstan Mr. Philippe Martinet, Attaché for Scientific and Technical Cooperation of the Embassy of France in Kazakhstan Alexandra Tyrcuir-Mens, Vice-Rector of the Eastern Mediterranean University of Northern Cyprus, representatives of colleges and educational centers of Finland, Germany , Russia, as well as chairmen of republican educational and methodological associations, heads of educational and methodological centers of regions, directors, teachers of colleges in Kazakhstan. There were 260 people in total.

The most discussed were such topical topics as the opening of a competence center for the branches of the WorldSkills championship on the basis of the college, the opening of new specialties, the development of integrated educational programs for applied bachelor’s degree, the development of new generation textbooks. As a result of the conference, prospects for further cooperation with international partners were identified, and recommendations were developed to improve the activities of educational and methodological associations in updating the content of educational programs in the context of globalization.

In April 2019, the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.N. Shamshidinova visited the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College. She got acquainted with the experience of the educational institution in the preparation of future specialists. Kulyash Nogatayevna saw with her own eyes how students are taught in various specialties, how students are prepared for the WorldSkills blue-collar championship at modern competence sites, how the college cooperates with social partners in order to effectively implement educational programs in the form of dual education.

At the end of the visit Shamshidinova K.N. gave a high assessment to the activities of the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College as a modern educational institution of the system of technical and vocational education, which carries out high-quality training of qualified middle-level personnel for the country’s economy.

Time does not stand still and dictates new requirements for the development of educational organization. In order to be in trend and provide the most demanded professional education, in 2020, at the initiative of the director of the college, chairman of the Republican educational and methodological association, Katkenov K.A. The higher college received a license and carried out a set for the 2020-21 academic year in the specialty “Computing and software”, applied bachelor.

But, as already mentioned above, behind each page of the history of the educational institution, there are people who left their mark on the formation and development of the Kustanay Mechanical and Technological College, as well as our colleagues, who are now in the ranks, working for the benefit of teaching and educating the young generation of Kazakhstan – future specialists who will have to solve the problems of innovative economic development of our country.

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