“Where to go to school after high school”

“Where to go to study and what profession to choose?” – under this title on February 1, 2024 for students of 9 classes of secondary school № 7 of Kostanay city. Kostanay vocational guidance work was conducted by teachers of Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College Kontrobaeva Zhannat Dusembievna and Fathudinov Rinat Rifovich.

The students were informed about the professions of accountant, standardization technician, electromechanical technician, electrical technician, electrical technician, mechanical technician, engineering technician, software developer, terms of training, how, and where their training will take place. The students were also presented with brochures and booklets with information for enrollment.

Today school leavers face a difficult and important choice, on which their future depends, and we, adults, must help them to decide.

Information was prepared by: Kontrobaeva J.D.

Fatkhudinov R.R.

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