“State Protection Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan”

Servicemen of the State Guard Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan are directly involved in the performance of particularly important operational and combat tasks to ensure the safety of protected persons, protection and defense of facilities, participation in anti-terrorist operations, protection of the standards of the State Flag and the State Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan, performance of ceremonial and protocol events.

In this regard, on March 13, 2024, for the students of Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College studying on the 3-4 course was held a meeting on the theme: “Why I want to become a serviceman of the OPP”.

Captain Suleimen Gani Mukhtarovich, a senior officer of the second division of the first department of the SGO RK, was invited to meet with the conscripted youth.

The meeting was organized for the purpose of military-patriotic education of youth, selection of candidates for the State Guard Service, promotion of compulsory and contract military service, raising the prestige, image and popularization of the image of the Kazakhstani serviceman.

Speaking to the guys, Gani Mukhtarovich told what requirements are imposed on conscripts when enlisting for compulsory military service and why young men should choose military service in the elite special unit of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the Presidential Regiment “Aibyn” Special Purpose Forces SGO RK.

Information was prepared by: Fathudinov R.R.

Nurkanov M.K.

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