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- 24.04.2024
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On April 24, 2024, teacher of special disciplines Ibraeva Muslima Bulatovna, as part of the “Teacher Certification” program, conducted a master class on “Using the Learning Management Systems (LMS) application in classes on professional modules.”
Information technology (IT) in education at present, according to the teacher, is a necessary condition for the transition of society to an information civilization.
Modern technologies and telecommunications make it possible to change the nature of the organization of the educational process, completely immerse the student in the information and educational environment, improve the quality of education, and motivate the processes of perceiving information and acquiring knowledge. New information technologies create an environment for computer and telecommunication support for organization and management in various fields of activity, including education. Integration of information technologies into educational programs is carried out at all levels of education
According to Muslima Bulaatovna, all kinds of interactive teaching methods related to information technology can be actively used.
In general education and special disciplines, use assignments in the following interactive applications: Google forms, Learning Apps, Kahoot, Plickers, Quizizz, Studystack.
The teacher demonstrated in practice how to use this or that task at various stages of the lesson, using applications: Google forms, Learning Apps, Kahoot, Plickers, Quizizz, Studystack.
The teacher’s master class was very interesting, teachers of special disciplines took note of Musliya Bulatovna’s findings.
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head of metal training room
Ayaganova B.Z.