Kazakhstan is our common home

“Only that country lives happily and well , which is strong in its unity, joyful in its work, friendly with its people.”

(N.A. Nazarbayev)

On April 26, first-year students met with a member of the Council of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan of the Kostanay region, a representative of the Turkish diaspora Abilov Rahim Abubakirovich at the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College. The event was dedicated to the Day of the Unity of the People of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the event was the formation of positive values ​​and attitudes among young people towards respect and understanding of the rich diversity of cultures and national traditions, the preservation and enhancement of the moral and cultural achievements of the people of Kazakhstan and the world.

During the meeting, Rahim Abubakirovich spoke about the activities of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, about the directions of work of the Turkish diaspora, the main direction of which is the consolidation of Kazakhstani society, the preservation of interethnic harmony.

During the event, the students read poems in Kazakh Russian, German, Ukrainian languages ​​about the friendship of peoples, performed the musical composition “We are one whole.”

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