Injury prevention

Prevention is a set of measures aimed at ensuring a high level of human health, eliminating various causes of diseases, injuries, and increasing the body’s protective forces.

Within the framework of the month dedicated to the prevention of all types of injuries, a lecture on the topic “Safe Life” was held at the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College on April 16, 2021.

The purpose of the event was to inform students about measures to prevent all types of injuries, the formation of skills of self-preserving behavior.

During the event, the coordinator of the healthy lifestyle center Esentaeva D.E. told how to provide first aid for injuries, how to transport the victim, about psychological assistance during an injury and about self-help.

At the end of the event, Dinara Erlanovna gave the following recommendations to be healthy:

  1. Observe safety precautions when engaging in physical activity.

2 .Be careful when working with sharp-edged objects.

3.Be careful with easily flammable objects.

At the end of the event, students asked questions.

The information was prepared by A.R. Muldagalieva, a medical worker of the college.

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