As part of the project “Clean Yard”, on May 22, members of the Ecologist circle conducted a planting of flowers…

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Representatives of the specialties that are being trained in college greeted guests from the Sovkhoznaya secondary school in Kostanay district….

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As part of the provision of vocational guidance in choosing a profession, a teacher of the cyclic methodical commission of…

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In the framework of the provision of vocational guidance in choosing a profession, teachers of the cyclic methodical commission of…

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To form an idea of ​​the professions, pupils of the lyceum No. 1 attended master classes in the field of…

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About 40 students of the school of talented children named after Altynsarin set off on a “journey” to familiarize themselves…

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Deputy Director for Public Relations Bekov D.S. at the meeting with schoolchildren in the Denisovsk region provided information about the…

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On April 12, 2019, the winners of the WorldSkills Kostanay 2019 Regional Championships were awarded. WorldSkills is an international non-profit…

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Internal auditors of the higher college Bazhirov Sh.R., Segizbayeva A.S., Ismagambetova A.K. and Taykova G.L. took part in a seminar…

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Within the framework of the implementation of the basic direction «Саналы Азамат»  and the Year of Youth «Тәуелсіздіктің ұрпақтары», vocational…

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