In order to increase the legal culture and legal awareness of the population, comprehensive training Kazakh speaking groups of the…

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The competition of professional skills of curators “The best curator -2021” started on March 1, 2021. The aim of the…

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On March 25, volunteers of the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College took part in the republican action from the «Halyq» charity…

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On March 19, 2021, on the eve of the Nauryz Meiramy holiday, the primary trade union organization of the Kostanay…

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On March 18, volunteers of the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College, together with the regional front office of the Kostanay region,…

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Professional tests are designed to promote a conscious, informed choice of a profession and are aimed at developing professionally significant…

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In order to prevent stress and anxiety, an online meeting on the topic “Prevention of stress and anxiety” with the…

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Nauryz is a holiday of national identity and harmony, prosperity and unity. As part of the plan of events for…

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       On the eve of the spring holiday, a book exhibition dedicated to the holiday of Nauryz was organized in…

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From 9 to 15 March, in accordance with the plan of measures to combat corruption and the formation of an…

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