At the history museum of college, the work of the group “Tarikh Better” on the basics of museology, excursion work,…

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On February 27, 2019, within the framework of the vocational guidance work of the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College, an excursion…

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The head of the practice, Matvienko Yulia Vladimirovna, organized for pupils of school № 22 an informative tour of the…

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On the basis of the secondary school named after Chutayev, the village of Mendykara, a vocational guidance forum for schoolchildren…

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Students technologist of the group «зУТ 22» correspondence courses have successfully passed the state exam, confirming practical skills and production…

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On February 18, 2019, a “Job Fair” was held at the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College in the following specialties: 1014000…

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To implement the project «Саналы Азамат» of the program «Рухани Жангыру», college teachers organize meetings with graduate students. The key…

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College teachers Butnarash O., Butnarash V. held a meeting with the parents of the school-gymnasium number 18 of Kostanay. Information…

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Schoolchildren of the gymnasium school No. 4 in the city of Kostanay and the Zatobolsk gymnasium school took part in…

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On January 22, 2019, in the TZ-21 group, an open extra-curricular event took place in the form of a socio-psychological…

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