Our college is actively working on military-patriotic education. Studentexcursionsto museums of Military Glory, monuments of heroes of the Great Patriotic…

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 In the KSCC “Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College” of the Education Department of the Akimat of Kostanay region, tests and exams…

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The college library held an information hour for students dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic…

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Within the framework of the presentation decade of the Department of Technical Disciplines, a laboratory-practical lesson on the topic “Evaluation…

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Within the framework of the presentation decade of the Department of Technical disciplines, a demonstrational lesson on the topic “Drawing…

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Within the framework of the project “Kostanay kalasy adaldyk alany”, a competition was held among the participants of schools and…

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On December 08, 2021, a quiz “Army Express” was held among 1st-year students at Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College. The purpose…

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From November 15 to 17, an online chess competition was held among students of TVE of Kostanay region, dedicated to…

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From 8 to 24 November, online competitions in tokyzumalak, chess and Street Workout were held among students of TVE of…

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It has already become a good tradition in our college to сonduct educational excursions for the 1st-year students. In this…

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