On January 31, 2023 Sagandykova Zh. B. and Kurierova M. P., teachers of special disciplines of Kostanai Polytechnic High College…

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Choosing a profession is a step that determines the adult life of each person. What profession to choose and how…

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On January 18th, 2023 was carried out career vocational guidance work among parents of 9th grade students of the Alikhan…

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In accordance with the plan of events dedicated to the celebration of the national holiday – “Republic Day”, a single…

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It has become a good tradition to annually hold the event “My family is my fortress” at the Kostanay Polytechnic…

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program accreditation of educational programs of the college in accordance with international standards for accreditation of organizations of technical, vocational…

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On May 06, 2022, a lecture was held on the topic: “Prevention of religious extremism and terrorism”. The event was…

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Volunteers of Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College “Meirimdi Zhurek“ congratulated veterans of the Great Patriotic War on the 77th anniversary of…

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On May 4th, 2022, on the eve of the holiday, a curatorial hour dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day…

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Today, more than ever, the task of patriotic education of young people is relevant. The task of adults is to…

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