Regional competition of professional skills among teachers of special disciplines and masters of industrial training in the competence of “Baking skills”

On February 9, 2024, the 1st stage of the Regional competition of professional skills among teachers of special disciplines and masters of industrial training in the competence “Baking skills” will be held at Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College with the support of  PUI “Methodological Center” of the Department of Education of the Akimat of Kostanay region.

The purpose of the competition is to improve the professional skills of teachers of technical and vocational, post-secondary education and the quality of professional training of specialists in accordance with modern standards.

The objectives of the competition:

– to promote self-realization and the growth of professional skills of teachers;

– to spread successful teaching experience and meet the need of teachers for public recognition;

– to create conditions for the expansion of the professional teaching space;

– generalization of knowledge and exchange of experience of TVPSE teachers.

The competition is attended by 13 teachers of educational organizations of TVPSE of the Kostanay region, who are also experts-compatriots in the WorldSkills Kostanay professional skills competition in the “Baking skills” competence:

Last name, first name, patronymicPlace of workPost
 Aksenova Svetlana ViktorovnaMSOE «Kostanay Agricultural College»Master of industrial training, teacher-moderator
 Alieva Gulmira AmanzholovnaMSOE «Kostanay Industrial and Pedagogical College»Teacher of special disciplines, teacher category
 Alpispaeva Natalia MikhailovnaMSOE «Karasu Agricultural College»Master of industrial training, teacher-expert
 Gorbatenko Tatyana MikhailovnaMSOE «Rudnensky College of Technology and Service»Master of industrial training, first category
 Dauit Aru MayrambekovnaMSOE «Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College»Teacher of special disciplines, teacher-moderator
 Zagorodnyuk Olga AnatolyevnaMSOE «Kostanay Agricultural College»Master of industrial training,  second category
 Karlysheva Julia SergeevnaMSOE «Kazakhstan Agrotechnical College»Master of Industrial Training
 Kenzhibaeva Madina ArmanovnaMSOE «Kostanay Industrial and Pedagogical College»Teacher of special disciplines, teacher category
 Kumarova Gulbanu YerkinovnaMSOE «Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College»Teacher of special disciplines, second category
 Petrushenko Alexandra NikolaevnaMSOE «Karasu Agricultural College»Teacher of special disciplines
 Ryadinskaya Irina AnatolyevnaMSOE «Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College»Teacher of special disciplines, teacher-researcher
 Savina Olga IgorevnaMSOE «Kostanay College of Service Sector»Master of industrial training, second category
 Umarova Saule AmangeldinovnaMSOE «Karasu Agricultural College»Master of industrial training, teacher-moderator

Today, at the first stage of the competition, teachers will undergo online testing with the proctoring procedure.

On April 5, the second stage will be attended by 5 contestants who scored the maximum number of points on the test. In the second stage, participants will compete in the skills for the best professional portfolio, in the manufacture of bakery products – sourdough rye bread, savory appetizer, puff pastry (colored croissants).

We wish inspiration, creative ideas and good luck to all participants of the professional skills competition!

The material was prepared by Deputy Director for UMR Kaipbaeva Zh.Sh.

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