“The Hour of Integrity” on the theme “TOLE BI is THE FOUNDER OF HONESTY AND JUSTICE.”

   As part of the plan of the Sanaly urpaq volunteer and patriotic club for the formation of an anti-corruption culture among students in the HP-25 group, an “Hour of Integrity” was held on the theme “TOLERANCE is THE FOUNDER OF HONESTY AND JUSTICE.” The next “Hour of Integrity” on combating corruption is dedicated to the instructive life and precepts, wisdom and personal qualities of the great Tolebi, a thinker who made a great contribution to the oratory of the Kazakh people, who strengthened the unity of the country. The next “Hour of Integrity” of the Anti-Corruption Agency is dedicated to the instructive life and precepts, wisdom

and personal qualities of the great Tolebi, a thinker who made a great contribution to the oratory of the Kazakh people, who strengthened the unity of the country.

   During the lesson on “Tole bi – the founder of honesty and justice”, the youth got acquainted with many personal qualities that helped Tole bi achieve. The main ones are: impeccable loyalty to the ideals of the country, justice in power, and truth in everything. The life principle of Tolerance: “A fair judge has no relatives, an unfair one has no conscience” is a high measure of honesty, integrity and justice. These qualities are an indispensable example for the current younger generation.

The information was prepared by the head of the Sanaly Urpak club: L.F. Shektybayeva

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