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- 06.09.2024
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Within the framework of the «Balalar Kitapkhanasy» project, on September 6, 2024, the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College held a reading contest “Tilim menin – meryim!” dedicated to the Day of Languages of the People of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The organizer of the readers’ competition: head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Zhumagulova T.K. The goals and objectives of the event: promotion of works of classical and modern poetry of patriotic orientation, education of the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism; identification, support and stimulation of talented performers who know the genre of artistic words; acquaintance with the literary heritage of Kazakhstan, reflecting the greatness of our culture and the richness of the language.
12 first-year students took part in the competition. During the competitive test, the participants performed poetic works about Kazakhstan, friendship, unity and solidarity of peoples, as well as author’s works by heart.
The evaluation of the performances of the contest participants was carried out by the jury members: S.K. Amantayeva, U.Zh. Kazieva, H.B. Beisenova. The performances were evaluated according to the following criteria: technique and culture of speech, knowledge and understanding of the text, expressiveness of reading, performing skills.
The prizes were distributed as follows: 1st place – Kubegenov Arafat, a student of group 1M-14; 2nd place – Veronika Torgashova, a student of group 1ST-8; 3rd place – Maxim Solodky, a student of group 1PO-9.
The celebration of the Day of Languages of the People of Kazakhstan is a celebration that brings together all nationalities and ethnic groups of the country. The reading contest “Tilim menin – meryim!” helped the participants to feel that the holiday is imbued with the spirit of solidarity of peoples, that we all value friendship and tolerance.
The article was prepared by: Head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines T.K. Zhumagulova.
