Lessons in Kindness

On December 6, in the KGKP “Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College” within the framework of the Decadent Awareness, the leaders of the training groups held a curatorial hour “Lessons of Kindness.”

The purpose of the event was to foster a tolerant attitude towards people with disabilities among future specialists. During the curatorial hour, students discussed important issues related to inclusion: What is inclusion and why is it important? What stereotypes exist about people with disabilities and why are they wrong? How can you help people with disabilities?

In addition to the theoretical part, various interactive exercises and discussions were held within the framework of the curatorial hour. Students participated in role-playing games with great interest, modeling various situations of communication with people with disabilities. Such events are very important for the formation of humanistic values ​ ​ among young people.

The contingent of participants in the event amounted to 879 people.

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