College-based 3D modeling courses

On the basis of the college, courses on 3D modeling have been launched, organized as part of a mentoring program for students of all courses of the specialty “Mechanical Engineering Technology” (by type). These courses are conducted with the support of SaryarkaAvtoProm LLP and are aimed at developing students’ professional skills. The training is conducted by an experienced specialist of the company S. Sakanov, who has deep knowledge and practical experience in the field of mechanical engineering. The main focus of the program is on the development of 3D modeling methods that are used in the design of automotive parts. The purpose of the courses is to help students acquire additional skills in the field of 3D modeling, which are in demand in production. This is a unique opportunity to receive hands-on training using modern software and real-world cases from the automotive industry. The courses are designed for students who want to deepen their knowledge and prepare for work in a high-tech production environment. All classes are held at the college and provide an opportunity to interact with an expert and apply the knowledge gained in practice.

The material was prepared by the head of the practice Matvienko Yu.V.

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