Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 24, 2015 No. 418-V “On informatization”
Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 20, 2016 No. 832 “On approval of uniform requirements in the field of information and communication technologies and ensuring information security”
Order of the Minister of Defense and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 13, 2018 No. 38/НК “On approval of the Rules for registration, use and distribution of domain names in the space of the Kazakhstan segment of the Internet”
Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 2, 2020 No. 79 “On determining the minimum requirements for software, hardware and application software used in educational organizations”
Order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 14, 2022 No. 456 “On approval of the minimum requirements for informatization objects in the field of education”