On April 17, 2024, according to the plan of educational work, such as physical education, a healthy lifestyle, curator Sagandykova Zh.B. in the TK-26 group, an open curatorial hour was held on the topic “Health culture and proper nutrition”.

The goal was to form the value of a healthy lifestyle, physical culture and sports, physical improvement, and the value of a responsible attitude to one’s health.

The students listened carefully to the information, watched the video, and actively participated in the discussion of the topic. The curatorial hour is aimed at helping students to form a healthy lifestyle by developing their skills of self-management, self-control and self-regulation. This includes training in the skills of adapting a healthy diet to individual needs and preferences, as well as developing skills in the rational use of time, resources and energy to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.

The information was prepared by Sagandykova Zh.B.

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