The right choice of profession

The correct approach to conducting vocational guidance among schoolchildren ensures the right choice of a profession. Teachers of the college conduct explanatory work within the framework of the state basic project “Sanaly Azamat”. In addition, many schoolchildren of the region, having received reliable information about the needs of the labor market in the region, about the specialties for which the region’s and the country’s enterprises are trained, about student life; choose the Kostanay Higher Polytechnic College, which is the leader among the colleges of the country.

Professional orientation activity, conducted in the schools of the region, is aimed at vocational guidance, the development of professional self-determination among schoolchildren, taking into account the requirements and prospects for the development of the labor market.

Created groups of career guidance specialists from among teachers and students visited the schools of Kostanay, Altynsarin, Mendykarн, Fedorov, Kamystinsky, Auliekol districts.

For the school students were specialists of the college, who told about the profession of technologists, electricians, technicians, which can give these professions in the future. For the students were the vocal numbers, and they talked about the cultural and leisure life in college. Schoolchildren were interested in the conditions of admission, employment. Information was provided on the achievements of teachers and students of our college, which is an important indicator of the educational activities of the college!

The best students in the vocational guidance activities in schools were the best students of the higher college Menzaripova Diana, Khamitov Abilmansur, Matzagora Tatyana, Ostapenko Nikita, Shutarbaev Ariman.

Information was prepared by A.Segizbaeva

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