The program of early vocational guidance and basic training of schoolchildren

27 11 2018 as part of the week of the CMC electrotechnical disciplines, a competition among schoolchildren of the city “Junior Skills Kostanay – 2018” was held on the competence “Electrical work”.

WorldSkills is an international non-profit movement whose goal is to increase the prestige of working professions and the development of skills.

Junior Skills is an early vocational guidance and basic vocational training program for schoolchildren, which is an excellent innovative solution related to the training of future professionals.

The participants in the competition on the competence of “Electrical work” were students of the gymnasium named after S. Maulenov, named after M. Gorky, school-gymnasium No. 18, school No. 17 and No. 5 of the city of Kostanay.

The works of the contestants were evaluated by independent experts.

  1. Kutovaya Lyudmila Ruslanovna, teacher of special disciplines of the Rudny Mining and Technical College;
  2. Schreiber Oksana Ivanovna – Chairman of the cyclic commission of electrical disciplines of the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College;

3.Suyundukova Bibigul Kavasovna – teacher of special disciplines of Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College;

  1. Akushkarov Arman Nasymbaevich – teacher of special disciplines of Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College.

Winners and participants of the competition were awarded with diplomas, letters of thanks, certificates. 

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