The first of December – Day of the First President

“There is an independent country of Kazakhs in the world. There is a sovereign Kazakhstan on the planet. There is his multinational people, living in harmony and friendship. There is a powerful economy, a reliable political system. The most important thing is that tomorrow is even more bright and informative than today. We are united by a firm belief in all this.”

A. Nazarbayev


11.29.17 – Within the framework of the program “Рухани жангыру” a solemn line devoted to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held in the college.

The main goal of the event was to show the historical role N.A. Nazarbayev in the development of independent Kazakhstan, the promotion of Kazakhstan’s achievements in the period of independent development, the values ​​of the international peace and harmony.

The event helped to foster students’ patriotism, citizenship, active life position, educate sense of responsibility to the Motherland, pride in their country.

The information was prepared by the teacher-organizer A. Pushkareva


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