The curatorial hour “Prevention of offenses among adolescents”

November 8, 2017 – First-year students of Kostanay polytechnic higher college participated in the curatorial hour “Prevention of offenses among adolescents (the concept of” subculture “, group, youth extremism, etc.)”

The main goal of the curatorial hour was acquaintance with the concept of youth subculture, group and extremism among young people.

Our education should be based on the principle that all people are equal, and their human dignity is unshakable. In the process of education, it is necessary to strengthen the belief that all people are unique, that each of them has prerequisites for the development of their personality and that the individual identity makes society rich and versatile. Education should show the importance of knowledge as a creative and transforming force both for the development of the individual and for the formation of humane relations in society.

The information was prepared by Bayazitova I.A, Omarova A.S.

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