International scientific-practical conference «Model of Educational and Methodological Associations of TVE Organizations as a mechanism for ensuring the development of quality content of technical and vocational education»

October 27 on the basis of Kostanay higher polytechnic college together with the Ministry of Education and Science, non-commercial JSC Holding “Kasіpkor” International conference “Model teaching union organizations of the TVE, as the center of development and the quality of technical and vocational education content.”

 Two hundred and sixty people took part in the conference. Of academic methodological associations of the Republic 80 people.

 Twelve international partners of the higher college took part in the conference. Honored guests Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of France to Kazakhstan – Philippe Martine, he led a delegation of 6 people, a representative of the Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus, Mr. Professor, Mr. Eralp Bektash, coordinator of the partnership Alimshan Faizulaev, representatives of colleges of Finland – Kirsi Malmsted, Catherine Akulshina, Germany- Jan Bach.

 The theme of the conference aroused wide public interest. At the plenary session of the conference heard reports of the head of content management and methodology of the Department of TVE MES RK Algazinova Kalamkas Magauovna, chairman of the AMA, the director of Kostanay higher polytechnic college Doschanova Alma Irgibaevna, a representative of the Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus Eralp Bektaşh, Rector of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute Abіl Erkіn Amanzholoulu, international expert Mr. Jan Bach, representative of the colleges of Finland – Mrs. Kirsi Malmsted, head of the Corporate University of JSC “Group Alyur companies’ training center LLP” SaryarkaAvtoProm” Olkinyan Lyudmila Yurevna. Topical issues were discussed to update the content of technical and vocational education through the prism of the activities of academic methodological associations.

The participants of the conference visited the enterprise of the social partner of JSC “Bayan Sulu”.

 Hot discussions have flared up on applied bachelor, organizing and holding WorldSkills Championships in the course of three panel sessions:

  1. International cooperation;
  2. AMA as a methodical center for the development and implementation of working educational programs, taking into account WorldSkills standards.
  3. AMA is the center for ensuring the effectiveness of introducing applied bachelor’s programs on a modular basis with the application of credit training technology.

 Based on the results of the International Conference, recommendations were developed on improving the regulatory framework, creating an organizational management structure, and standard rules for the operation of the AMA.


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