Meeting with the representative of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan, dedicated to the Day of Gratitude

Only that country lives happily and richly,

which is strong by its unity,

pleased with its work, friendly with its people.

 (N.A. Nazarbayev)

On February 26, 2018, a meeting with the representative of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan Rahim Abilov, dedicated to the Day of Gratitude was held in Kostanay polytechnic higher college. This holiday is celebrated in the country from 2016 on the initiative of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. The date of celebration of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan is March 1. On this day, representatives of different ethnic groups can thank each other and the Kazakhs for the tolerance and hospitality extended during the years of deportation.

The aim of the event was the disclosure of the essence and historical foundations of the new holiday – Thanksgiving Day, fostering students’ feelings of patriotism and pride in the historical past of multiethnic Kazakhstan, fostering respect and tolerance in interethnic communication.

Rahim told the students about the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, the goals of the Assembly and the events that are held in the Kostanay Region by the House of Friendship.

The information was prepared by the teacher-organizer Pushkareva A.V.

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