Meeting with representatives of Defense Department “Admission to the higher military educational institutions of the RK”

November 14, 2017 – Students of Kostanay polytechnic college of higher education met with the representatives of Defense Department of Kostanay city in the palace of Culture “Miras”.

The meeting was organized with the aim of considering the issue of the possibility of admission to the higher military educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This event was attended by students of the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College consisting of 20 people from TP-17, TP-18, TZ-20, E-8, ES-9, TZ-21, M-6.

At the beginning of the meeting, the audience watched video films presenting the higher military educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Then the floor was given to the veterans of the Afghan war, Lieutenant-Colonel Kharchenko Anatoly Nikolayevich and Zhubanyshev Muratbek Ermekovich.

At the end of the meeting, the head of the Defense Department of the city of Kostanay, Ershenov Murat Mukhametkarimovich, told the young men about the military service, the conditions for admission to higher military educational institutions, the prospects and benefits of military service, and the social security of servicemen.

The children were interested in the entrance exams and passing scores in educational institutions, about the conditions of life of cadets.

The article was prepared by: Fatkhudinov R.R., Nurkanov M.K.

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