Events dedicated to the Psychologist’s Day “Prevention of anxiety among students”.

Traditionally, the Day of Psychologist in Kazakhstan is celebrated on December 25. In this regard, in Polytechnic Higher College from December 20 to 22 were held events with students and teachers to note the importance of psychological well-being. On December 20, teacher-psychologists Naumenko T.V. and Sonarbaeva J.J., together with students of the psychological club “Freud’s Children”, among students of 1-4 courses and teaching staff was held an action “If it is difficult – just call”. During the action they told about the Center of psychological support and handed out colorful envelopes with wishes and helpline. On December 21 among students and teachers was held a challenge “Magic of New Year’s wishes” with the subsequent design of all the wishes on the wall newspaper. On December 22 the training on prevention of emotional burnout and search for resources was held with the teaching staff.

Prepared by pedagogical psychologist Naumenko T.V.

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