“Etiquette – the art of living beautifully”

October 25, 2017 in Kostanay higher polytechnic college held a curatorial hour on “Etiquette – the art of living beautifully” for first-year students.

The main goal of the curatorial hour is the development of morality, ethical culture, and aspiration for self-improvement.

During the curatorial hour, the instructors-curators of the first courses Muslimova Zh.M. and Mukat A.K through a quiz, a blitz poll and illustrative examples, remembered with students the rules of etiquette, rules of behavior in public places, rules of conduct with peers and with elders. Do not stay aloof and the rules of behavior in college, based on the rules of internal regulations students have drawn up the etiquette of the student KHPC. Students of the first courses on examples from life proved the need for good breeding and good-order rules.

As a result, students came to the conclusion that intelligence and good breeding are manifested not only in knowledge, but also in the ability to understand each other, to be able to talk and argue, to behave modestly, to be able to help.

The information was prepared by Mukat A.K, Muslimova Zh.M.

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