Courses of the Non-Commercial Joint Stock Company “Talap” on the basis of Kostanay Polytechnic College

           In accordance with the Instructional and Methodological Recommendations on the organization of the educational process in educational institutions of TVE, from September 1, 2020, a point-rating alphabetic system of assessment for assessing the educational achievements of students is being introduced.

        In this regard, deputy directors, heads of departments, methodologists, teachers of Kostanay Polytechnic College from 12.10 to 23.10.2020 will study the topic “Key components of assessing learning outcomes in the system of technical and vocational education” at the site of advanced training courses organized by Holding “Talap”. Freelance trainers of the Talap Holding, including teachers of the higher college Ibraeva S.Zh., Kontrabaeva Zh.D., Tulegenov E.N. will acquaint students with foreign and domestic experience in introducing a point-rating system for assessing educational achievements of students in TVE, various models and methods of using criteria-based assessment tools at different stages of training.

       The courses will become a real platform for mutual communication of teachers from all over the Republic of Kazakhstan, will help the rapid implementation of the point-rating system in the educational process of TVE.

                                                                                        Head of educational and methodical cabinet

                                                                                        Ayaganova B.Z.



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