College teachers visited schools of Karabalyk district

April 30, college teachers Matvienko Y.V., Irgibayeva D.K., Ryadinskaya I.A., Bashkentayeva I.Z., and Kostyrev V.V., visited schools in Karabalyk district of Kostanay region, where they were warmly welcomed.

The teachers told in detail about the specialties offered by the college, their importance and prospects. They also presented information about the material and technical base of the college, including laboratories, classrooms and equipment, which plays a key role in practical training of students.

The children showed great interest in the possibility of enrolling in the college.

Matvienko Y.V., Irgibaeva D.K.,

Ryadinskaya I.A., Bashkentaeva I.Z., Kostyrev V.V.

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