Аreer guidance work.

On January 25, 2024, teachers of Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College Ryzhenko Ekaterina Terentyevna and Broze Olga Viktorovna held a career guidance meeting with students of the ninth grades of the 16th school. The students were involved in the conversation, as they will soon have to make a choice of profession.

         The guys were interested in: “What are the conditions for admission to college?”, “In which industry will graduates be able to work?”, “At which enterprises of the city will it be possible to practice during their studies?”, “What career growth awaits future specialists of the grain processing industry?” and many others.

         Every year, as part of career guidance, our college conducts professional tests, Students of the 16th school were invited to professional tests in order to get to know our educational institution better, participate in master classes in all specialties and make the right difficult choice of a future profession for themselves.

         The information was prepared by the teachers: E.T. Rizhenko and O.V. Broze.

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