About the international forum “Regional studies as a factor in the education of the spiritual basis of patriotism in the space of a small country”

MSE “School kids’ creativity” of the akimat of Kostanay city with the assistance of the branch of JSC “National training center “Orleu” on 12 October was organized by the international forum.

At the international forum highlighted the main aspects of the programme ” Spiritual revival” and topics covered introduction of it in work.

At the international forum were presented reports of ethnographers, scientists, heads of school museums, the Convenor of regional history, teachers of educational institutions, librarians, employees of archives and museums.

Teachers of “Kostanay polytechnic college of higher education” took part at the plenary session of the international forum, listening to the reports of scientific researchers. After the plenary session took part in the workshop “The Role of archival science in the preservation of cultural and historical heritage of the native land”.

At the conclusion of the meeting with the employees of the archive, a discussion was held on the theme: “Keiky Batyr and national civil uprising in historical documents”. The round table was conducted in the form of facilitated sessions. At the end of the forum participants were awarded certificates.

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